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Silicone Breast Augmentation
Hedden and Gunn Plastic Surgery Call Today! 205-980-1744

Breast Augmentation in Birmingham, Alabama

Breast Augmentation at Hedden & Gunn

Breast Augmentation, or augmentation mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure where breast implants are used to increase breast fullness, projection and symmetry. If you believe your breasts are too small or are seeking to restore breast volume lost after pregnancy or weight loss, breast augmentation at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery can improve your figure and give you more self-confidence.

If your breasts have a severe degree of sagging or drooping, a breast lift performed in conjunction with breast augmentation may be the best choice to achieve fuller breasts with a more lifted appearance. Breast implants are also used for breast reconstruction following mastectomy, an injury or to correct congenital deformities.

Outpatient Surgery Suite

Outpatient Surgery Suite

Breast augmentation procedures by Dr. William Hedden, Dr. Stephen Gunn and Dr. Joshua Halka are performed at our fully-accredited Outpatient Surgery Suite. Equipped with the most advanced surgical and monitoring equipment available, our operating rooms and recovery area are designed to provide safety and comfort of each patient in a private, relaxed atmosphere.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Your aesthetic journey begins with a consultation at our cosmetic surgery center in Birmingham, Alabama. Patients are encouraged to be completely open during the consultation with Dr. Hedden, Dr. Gunn or Dr. Halka so that we can fully address your questions and concerns. Your plastic surgeons and our highly-trained staff will discuss your goals, expectations, existing medical conditions and current medications. We will also examine your breasts and discuss your breast augmentation options based on many years of experience.

Your consultation will include discussion of the details of your breast enlargement procedure and the risks and possible complications involved.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation may be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

The incisions are made in areas that minimize the appearance of scarring. The location of the incisions is determined by the type of breast implants used (silicone or saline), the size of the implants and your physical characteristics. Options for the incision locations include:

  • Inframammary incision (in the folds where the breasts meet the chest).
  • Periareolar incision (around the edge of the areolas)
  • Transumbilical incision (in the underarms)
  • Transaxillary incision (in the upper rim of the navel)

Once the incision is made, your surgeon will create a pocket of space into which the breast implant is inserted. Depending on your desired outcome and body type, this pocket may be located directly behind the breast tissue (subglandular or over-the-muscle placement) or underneath the pectoral muscle (submuscular or under-the-muscle placement).

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Outpatient breast augmentation procedures require a caregiver to drive you to and from your surgery appointment and stay with you for at least the first night following surgery. The team at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery will provide you with instructions on caring for yourself after your breast enhancement surgery.

Normal swelling and soreness will gradually subside over the course of a few weeks. You will wear a surgical bra during this time to support the breasts as they continue to heal.

Most patients can return to work or school after a few days, depending on the physical demands of your job. Exercise and most other normal activities may usually be resumed about 3 weeks after your breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Results

Your final results should be visible after a few months once swelling has dissipated and the breast implants have settled into position. The incision lines will diminish over time and become less visible.

Your new look with larger, perkier and more youthful breasts can have a major impact on your overall confidence. Many women look forward to wearing new styles of clothing that show off their new figure.

Though long-lasting, the results of breast augmentation surgery are not considered to be permanent. Replacement of one or both breasts implants may be required after 10 or 15 years.

Breast Augmentation Before & Afters

See before and afters of Breast Augmentation procedures performed by Drs. William Hedden, Stephen Gunn and Joshua Halka on (must be 18 years of age or older to view)